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I am Prima
I help Best Kept Secrets Share their Gifts With the World.


Nichole Lee

Healer, Intuitive Guide, Transformational Life Coach at Nichole Lee Global, LLC

"Prima has the divine gift to tap into who you are, what you desire and how to take that vision and make it a reality right now. She reminded me of my gifts and my uniqueness that I can offer to the world in a way that goes beyond branding. It was a confirmation of my mission . Why I am here on this earth. I felt seen , heard, and understood as well as with practical ideas I could Implement immediately."

What YOU Really Want..


✅ Build your  personal brand around your soul work

✅ Spend time with those that are ready for your work.

✅ Have targeted conversations with those you are called to serve.

✅ Become the person who can Command any price in the market place           because you know your work is  life altering. 

✅ Work deeply with fewer clients who light up your Soul.

✅ Attract  the right  Clients into your work with  less marketing efforts.

✅ Build a highly profitable audience of  your soulmate clients.

What YOU May Be Experiencing 

❌    Crickets under your  Campaigns. Its like you are trying to sell poison to your audience.

❌    Trying to Chasing  after people that need your work  instead of them coming to you. 

❌   Doing exhausting launches, Challenges  Campaigns that feel completely out of             


❌   Constantly feeling like the world's  best kept secret.

       Its like you are invisible in the market place.

❌   The Feeling that your gift may end up in the Coache's cemetery.

❌   Repeatedly struggling to increase your prices in the market place

❌   Struggling to fill your retreats , Collective or high level mastermind.

❌   Constantly having to deal with false Objections. 

❌  Writing Content that doesn't do anything for your brand.

       Have you not added enough value already ?  

                         Prima’s Story


In 2020, I was stuck in Uganda, a place where mediocrity is the norm, with poor roads, unreliable internet, and unstable power.


I had a passion for style and dressed the corporate man in Africa until COVID-19 forced me out of business and online.

Two years later, my online business had taken off  dream clients,$97K months,

all while still in Uganda all with a tiny audience. 

Four years into my journey, I met my soulmate on  Facebook while pursuing my dreams. No manifestation, true intervention by God.

By this point, I had made multiple six figures and helped many clients do the same. However, many were unhappy despite their financial success.

In early 2023, my top client's health deteriorated massively. Despite her financial success, her body was failing. Like practically shutting down. 

I sought answers in the world of healers. My client recovered in less than 2 months  of trauma-related  sessions.

That is what birthed my mission to reduce suffering in the world. ​​​​

After seeing  this work save my client’s life, I am determined to share it with the world.

I now partner with best kept secrets who are ready to share their gifts

with the world.


This work brings me immense joy and I wouldn't want  my legacy to be about anything else but that my work  reduced suffering in the world.   

The Best Kept secret PathWay 

The Guru way of monetising your  gifts

( Content -Offer-Audience-Sales-Visibility-Automation-Email lists -

Add platforms-Video funnel etc ) ​ 

The Best kept Secret Pathway:

1-Short ​ Sword first (Lets get Cashflow in ) -

2-Then deploy the long sword ​ to automate trust.

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Most best kept secrets believe their message is clear, but when I ask a few simple questions, the truth often emerges: “I never really thought about it that way.”

Let’s test yours:

Who is it for?

What problem do they know they have? Why does that problem exist?

How do you uniquely solve it? Can you answer each of those questions in 1-3 words max?  If not, your message can be distilled down further.


Without a clear core message, building a community around your work may remain a dream for a long time. In a market with big $$ promises and 2 hour work days, we need to be clear not clever.  


The clients you’re meant to serve are hidden in the conversations you’re not having. Once your message is crystal clear, it’s time to connect with those who are truly aligned with your mission.


Forget about vanity matrix —create conversations with your soulmate clients.

Sometimes, stepping away from the noise of the "Guru Wagon" is exactly what’s needed to meet your dream clients in a more authentic and aligned way.


Chasing clients? That’s the old paradigm. But without meaningful conversations, attracting the right clients  will most likely  remain a wish. 


The best way to make someone believe that you can help them is to help them. 


 Instead of telling them what you can do, show them. Lip service does not help anyone get closer to becoming a client.


Find a way to show your ideal clients what you can do for them by actually doing it. It takes away all the friction.


And i do not mean one session here, one session there. Actually help people change their life so you can generate proof which can then be used to sell the next person. 


There are two ways to market your gifts:


You can write content until you’re exhausted, or you can document undeniable proof.


Proof makes the endless hustle of marketing unnecessary. So, focus on creating real impact—serve your people, and lead with proof.


Most people just need to know that if they spend their time with you,  they will get the results they want for themselves.


The alternative?


Typing away, hoping to convince your ideal clients that you’re the one. After a decade in this world of marketing my services both offline and online, I know which path I’d choose.


Proof is the ultimate game-changer  especially for  you the best kept secret.


Once you have cash flow coming in, it's time to  automate trust.


Think of  your  best kept secret  brand strategy, your  Signature Offer,  your video and challenge funnels, and nurturing your email list—all essential steps in building a long-term, sustainable presence for your soul work.


This is the art of the long game, not where you start if you're still   trying to find your footing.


The worst strategy is to remain the best kept secret.


Unfortunately, that’s a reality for many  best kept secrets who don’t make it past their first year. it breaks my heart to ever think  that your message could end up there. 

The time to be kept a secret has run out. The world needs your gifts today. Refuse to remain the best kept secret.

Prima is a translator for the soul, a super connector, a Consultant for best Kept secret Brands and your number 1 top fan. 


I work with the most divinely gifted entrepreneurs who are ready to share their gifts with the 

world and get paid top dollar for their work.  


I do this through high touch, high level consulting , aligned partnerships  and  Client getting interviews.  


My  best clients  are  spiritual entrepreneurs who  recognise that they  their exceptionally gifted  yet feel like the world's best-kept secret.


My best work has been  with those that are looking to turn their soul work into an Impactful personal brand that can command any price in the market place. 


My gifts - I  translate  divine core message into a message that can be understood by the practical world where souls  that are desperate for your gifts tend to hang out. 


Those who work with me get access to my secret circle of the world most gifted souls who

are each Changing lives one soul at a time in their own unique way on top of getting access to any platforms i have Created to share their message. 


I believe the time to be kept a secret is over .The world needs your gifts today. If you are ready 

to say yes to those whose lives depend on your gifts, i can help. 






You spent a good portion of your entire life

developing your gifts.

Went through all the work to become the highest version of self. 

Spent tens of thousands of dollars investing in the process without forgetting the sweat, tears and frustrations along the way. ​

I believe the time to be kept a secret is over .The world needs your gifts today​​


Refuse to deny them the chance to become who they were created to become by remaining the best kept secret. 



As a translator for the soul and a super connector, Prima’s mission is to  reduce suffering in the world. 

​From humble beginnings in Uganda to becoming a sought-after consultant for Core message translation, Prima’s mission is to help those that are doing their soul work stand out in a marketplace that is often crowded with big money promises and  2 hour work days. 

She does this through 1-1 Consulting , partnerships and exclusive interviews.

Prima's Recent Appearance On Podcasts

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